Bula Vinaka
So sad that it is our last day in Fiji. At least we have a full day and do not leave the hotel until 4PM. After another delicious breakfast we go back to the hotel. I do one last snorkel in the ocean and then get packed. Kerry & I take the shuttle into town and visit the Arts Village for a little local shopping and to see the Cultural Center. We spent more time in the post office buying postcard stamps than anywhere. (And we noticed that we were the only people inside that were wearing shoes!).
As we depart the hotel, the entire housekeeping staff and some other employees as well send us off with a song! It was incredible. And Sue, our house attendant, was actually crying. She is really going to miss Cole & Tommy!

We transfer with Ian, the same driver who brought us to Taunovo Bay early this week. This time the drive is during daylight though which is so much more enjoyable. We passed the turnoff for our rafting trip, drove by the warehouse for Pacific Green (where all the furniture is made out of coconut palm trees), pass through several villages, follow behind a open ended truck full of people that almost fell out going over a bump... and then laughed and waved goodbye to us when they turned off, followed a truck carrying sugar cane as well as one full of huge mahogany.
At a little after 6PM we arrive at the airport. We check in and go for dinner. There really is nothing at the Nadi airport. No good restaurants and we all felt a little sick after our meal. We wait for our flight with Heidi & Greg who are back with us after a full week at Lomani. We exchange stories realizing how much time seems to have passed since we separated last Sunday.
A few Fijian words I have learned:
Bula - Hello (but really it is used for everything)
Bula Vinaka - more formal Hello
Vinaka Vakelevu - Thank you very much
Au katakata - I am hot
Savu - Waterfall
Uca - Rain
Seganaleqa - No worries
Moce (pronounced "mothe")- Goodbye
# 1 - one - dua
# 2 - two - rua
# 3 - three - tolu
# 4 - four - va
# 5 - five - lima
# 6 - six - ono
# 7 - seven - vitu
# 8 - eight - walu
# 9 - nine - ciwa
# 10 - ten - tina
And a few other words I will refrain from typing :)
As we depart the hotel, the entire housekeeping staff and some other employees as well send us off with a song! It was incredible. And Sue, our house attendant, was actually crying. She is really going to miss Cole & Tommy!

We transfer with Ian, the same driver who brought us to Taunovo Bay early this week. This time the drive is during daylight though which is so much more enjoyable. We passed the turnoff for our rafting trip, drove by the warehouse for Pacific Green (where all the furniture is made out of coconut palm trees), pass through several villages, follow behind a open ended truck full of people that almost fell out going over a bump... and then laughed and waved goodbye to us when they turned off, followed a truck carrying sugar cane as well as one full of huge mahogany.
At a little after 6PM we arrive at the airport. We check in and go for dinner. There really is nothing at the Nadi airport. No good restaurants and we all felt a little sick after our meal. We wait for our flight with Heidi & Greg who are back with us after a full week at Lomani. We exchange stories realizing how much time seems to have passed since we separated last Sunday.
A few Fijian words I have learned:
Bula - Hello (but really it is used for everything)
Bula Vinaka - more formal Hello
Vinaka Vakelevu - Thank you very much
Au katakata - I am hot
Savu - Waterfall
Uca - Rain
Seganaleqa - No worries
Moce (pronounced "mothe")- Goodbye
# 1 - one - dua
# 2 - two - rua
# 3 - three - tolu
# 4 - four - va
# 5 - five - lima
# 6 - six - ono
# 7 - seven - vitu
# 8 - eight - walu
# 9 - nine - ciwa
# 10 - ten - tina
And a few other words I will refrain from typing :)