Israel & Jordan
Heading to Israel & Jordan for a scouting trip.It’s 3 days Israel, Jordan for 3 days, and then back to Israel for a day before flying home. Flying on El Al was an experience in its own. Security is definitely taken seriously! Overnight flight plus time change so I arrived about 2pm. We stopped to check out a few hotels and so checked into hotel in Tel Aviv in time for dinner. And an incredible sunset over the Mediterranean Sea. Gorgeous.
After exploring a little of Tel Aviv we traveled north to Haifa, a port city. The Baha’i Gardens are landscaped terraces overlooking the port are beautiful. We also visited Caesarea and the old amphitheater built by King Herod. Stopped for lunch and had the most delicious falafel.
Our hotel was located on the Sea of Galilee, which is so peaceful and mesmerizing. Such incredible history here, no matter what your religion.
Next we headed to Golan Heights, almost on the border of Syria. In Katzrin went to a place that reenacted daily life in the first century. Here I am in “traditional clothing” and making olive oil the old way.
Crossing into Jordan was not too bad. Our guide left us and we walked through the checkpoint showing passports and visas. Once cleared we met a new guide on the other side. We boarded a bus and before exiting the area we stopped and military police boarded. He asked everyone to hold up their passport, sounding serious. Then he broke into a huge smile and yelled “Welcome to Jordan! We love Americans!”
Our first stop in Jordan was Jerash. I'd never heard of it but this well preserved Roman city was so much more impressive than anything I've seen in Rome. It's unfortunate most Americans won't travel here. So much incredible history.
We also toured Amman and checked into our hotel.
From Amman to Petra it is a long drive, about 4 hours. And then Petra is huge. I honestly didn’t realize just how big it was. We walked for 20 minutes before really feeling like we were ‘there’. In total it is about 3 miles from the entrance to the monastery. Once you get into the heart of the site there is so much to marvel at.
And the first glance of The Treasury as you are walking through Petra is definitely a "wow" moment!
Another highlight!! So many in Jordan.. again I was blown away with how much I loved this country.
Camel ride in Wadi Rum. Such a unique place.. no wonder both Lawrence of Arabia and The Martian were filmed here.
Oh and we ran down the sand dunes!
Back to Israel. And I have to say wow.. I thought the airline security was intense? Checkpoints at the border are no joke. We were at the King Hussein bridge border crossing which is the only direct crossing between Palestinian Territories and Jordan. This process took several hours and it was a relief to finally be on the other side and safely in our van.
Jerusalem. Looking from the hotel room its so black and white.. all the buildings. Except the gold dome (Dome of the Rock - an Islamic shrine on the Temple Mount). It is interesting how this is such a holy place for all three religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
Off to the Dead Sea! Apparently this is the lowest place on planet earth, 1,200 feet below sea level. The salt levels are so high you actually do sort of float. Its not like being on a raft but you do feel more buoyant than the ocean. The salt is about ten times normal seawater. And on the shores were so many giant salt rocks that washed ashore. The water also has high levels of magnesium which is partly why it is considered so healing.
The trip was packed and I know I will be thinking of so much I left out. I definitely would recommend visiting. I also would suggest a trip to just Jordan and spending a full week there.